标题: 更改 chrome 的cache目录


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发表于 2009-12-31 01:19  资料  个人空间  短消息  加为好友 
更改 chrome 的cache目录

Change Chrome's default cache folder:
修改 Chrome 的用户数据目录 (是整个用户数据区,包括 Cookie 和 浏览历史):
1. 右键选中 Chrome 的桌面快捷方式,选 属性
2. 在 目标 那一行的后面,增加以下内容:
其中 h:\temp 是你要设置的新目录,根据自己的情况进行修改。

chrome.exe --user-data-dir="D:\UsersFiles\Chrome Datas" -first-run

不更改 Chrome 的用户数据目录, 只想修改其中 Cache 目录 (只适用于Vista/Win7):

1. 到 Chrome 的 User Data\Default 目录,先把原来的 cache 目录删除
2. 在开始菜单,点 ‘运行', 输入 cmd
2. 进入cmd命令模式后, 输入以下命令建立连接

   mklink /D "C:\Users\Bapa\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache" "H:\Temp"
   mklink /D "D:\UsersFiles\Chrome Datas\Default\Cache" "H:\Temp\ChromeCache"

第一个参数是原来的cache目录的位置, 后面的参数 H:\temp 是新用来保存cache的目录


Have you guys heard of "Junctions", or symbolic file system links?

Using symbolic file system links, you can put the cache directory on another drive or location completely, and still have Chrome think it's accessing the cache directory normally.

If you're on Windows Vista or Windows 7, you should have a command line tool called "mklink". Otherwise, if you're using an older OS, you can download a program called Junction from Microsoft TechNet.

I'll give you an example of how to change my Cache directory (if I wanted to do that). I'll be moving the Cache directory to "D:\chrome_cache".

I would go to [Start menu > Run...], and type in "cmd" to bring-up a command prompt window.
Next, I would type this in:

mklink /D "C:\Users\Bapa\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache" "D:\chrome_cache"

Let's break it down.
The first term, "mklink" is the name of the command line program we'll be using.
/D is a command-line switch to tell it to link to a directory.
The first parameter, in quotation marks, is the location we want our symbolic link to be placed.
The last parameter is the location we want to link to.

Note: The file system that you want to place the symbolic link on must be NTFS.


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